Development Tools
Online Store
In the Online Store you can purchase the products and receive the full versions within 24 hours. Our secure e-commerce website accepts different payment methods (powered by PayPal).
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Please use the "Support Request Form" to specify which product you want to try.
After you have completed your evaluation of our product, you may want to purchase the full product. Simply pay through PayPal and a link of the full version of the product you want will be supplied within 24 hours. Notify us with your purchase through the "Support Request Form" for a faster response.


Volume Licensing
We've made it easy for large corporations, small businesses, educational institutions, and government agencies to purchase our products in volume. Keep in mind that a product can be installed and used on one location only. A product key is provided for each copy sold. Each station must be installed with a different product key.

Volume Licensing and discounts begins at 3 users. You can get rebates from our online store. You'll receive one download link and a product key per copy purchased. If you plan to purchase a license for 15 users or more, please contact us and we'll review your specific needs.

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